Places to visit in Sao Paulo in 2022
This is a post with some suggestions on what to visit in Sao Paulo in 2022

Learn everything about the coffee of Sao Paulo
Coffee is the reason why Sao Paulo's population has increased from 30 thousand inhabitants to the 12 millions of today in only 150 years....

Why São Paulo is the coolest city in South America?
Why São Paulo is the coolest city in South America?

The famous Brazilian Sushi!
Back in the 1908 the Kasatu Maru, an important Japanese ship, was leaving the port of Kobe and bringing to Santos, the arbour of São...

The biggest Japanese street festival Tanabata Matsuri is in Sao Paulo, Brazil!
Tanabata Masturi also known as the Star Festival is happening this weekend in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Get infos and contact us :)

Where to find the best sashimi of Sao Paulo
You probably already heard that Sao Paulo is hosting the biggest Japanese community in the world outside Japan, but I'm pretty sure you...