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The 5 best viewpoints of Sao Paulo, for free!

Usually when visitors come for the first time to Sao Paulo they don't expect such a huge city! Many of theme, me included the the first time I came, have no idea on how many people are living here, how big is this place, how much diversity is concentrated in just ONE city!

So, as point of view it can be sometimes just a matter of view and perspective, I always recommend looking Sao Paulo from the TOP to actually get how big is this place.

To do this, here we go with a list of the 5 best view point of Sao Paulo, and the best part of this is that all this view points are for free!

Copan Building landscape

Martinelli Building

This iconic building of Sao Paulo, a crazy or innovative project of Giuseppe Martinelli, was in the 1929 declared the highest building ever made in Latin America! After one year closed to visit now the terrace is open again :)

Here all the infos:

• Monday to Friday: 11am - 1pm - 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

• Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: 11am - 12pm - 1pm - 2.30pm - 3.30pm - 4.30pm - 5.30pm - 6.30pm.

Registration for visits must be made 30 minutes before each session and each visit can take maximum of 15 people.

The visit is in Brazilian Portuguese, but you can visit the terrace with no problems :)

Martinelli Building

Copan Building

This building is stunning! Has an incredible and iconic "S" shape and was designed by the myth of Brazilian Architecture Oscar Niemeyer. Inaugurated in the 1966 this building won the Guinness World Record as the biggest residential building in Brazil.

Here all the infos:

• Monday to Friday: 10.15am & 3.15pm

• Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: closed

There will be a line opening usually 15 minutes before, at 10.15 or 3.15 you'll be asked to take a stair to go to sign a guestbook and then to get on line again to go together with the others to the elevators.

Attention: This visit is limited for only 15 minutes. The building is residential so is important to respect the idea that is not a touristic spot and visits are short to do not impact to much on residents life :-)

Copan Building

Matarazzo Building - Sao Paulo Prefeitura

Today the city hall of Sao Paulo this building was builded in the 1935 by the Italian Marcello Piacentini, the architect of the Italian Fascism! If you ever visited Rome, Via della Conciliazione, that leads you to Vatican City, was made by Piacentini as well, as many other things in Rome.

Today this building does not represent fascism anymore (thank Good) and it is instead a very important example of what is called Formalism.

Here all the infos:

- Days of visitation: Monday to Saturday, at 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

- Visitation is expected to last one hour.

- Arrive at least 01 hour in advance, at the reception of the building and at most 15 minutes before the visit.

- For each visit there is a limit of 10 places per hour.

- To carry out the visit is necessary the presentation of an original and official document with photo, including for children (for children up to 5 years incomplete also birth certificate is accepted).

Attention: This visit is basically only in Portuguese but usually the guide is happy to share some talks also in English but expect the visit to be only in Brazilian Portuguese

Matarazzo Building

Sesc Paulista

Always visitors ask me what SESC is. I usually answer: it is a beautiful place :D

The SESC is an institution here in Brazil, Cultural Centers and many other services financed by the Brazilian Commercial Camera.

The Sesc Paulista was completed on April 2018 and since then has been a crucial place for culture and activities on the Paulista Avenue. This Sesc has a terrace too and the view is just amazing!

Here all the infos:

- Days of visitation: Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am to 8pm

- To get to the terrace you'll need to take the elevator and get to the 17th floor

- On holidays and Saturdays and Sundays there is usually a big line but I never waited more than 30 minutes :)

Sesc Avenida Paulista

Hotel Unique Sky Bar

Ok, this is "almost free". The view from the Sky Bar of the Unique Hotel it is probably the best sunset view. The Hotel itself is a real artwork opera of the visionary architect Ruy Othake!

I say almost free because as the terrace is actually a bar they might ask you to get something to drink in order to stay :)

Here all the infos:

- Days of visitation: Everyday from 7am to 11am, from 1pm to 4pm, from 6pm to midnight

Hotel Unique

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